Y17 Girls Bandy World Championship 2025 – “Fantastic Experience”

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Sweden brings home the world championship gold and thus defended the 2023 title from Oslo. The event at Slättbergshallen in Trollhättan received the highest praise from tournament leader Alexander Mayborn.
— It’s simply a fantastic experience, he says.
A total of eight matches were played in the Y17 Girls Bandy World Championship, starting on Friday and culminating with a final between Sweden and Finland on Sunday. It was a final that Sweden won as planned, and with a big scoreline, 7–0.
Alexander Mayborn has nothing but praise for the event, with Gripen Trollhättan BK as the local organizer.
— We witnessed very good bandy players and great atmosphere in the stands. Gripen Trollhättan BK did an excellent job—from a splendid opening ceremony through every match to the closing.

Secured future growth

He also observes how much the Y17 Girls Bandy World Championship has meant to everyone on the ice.
— It has been a fantastic experience for the girls, reflecting the dignity of the event and the professionalism surrounding it.
Alexander Mayborn was especially impressed by the Swedish team and their progress in the tournament.
— It is a team with a great understanding of the game, where skating and technique stand out. And the way everyone moves on the ice is impressive. The Swedish team has several great talents, and I feel that the future growth of Swedish women’s bandy is secure.
Among all the skilled Swedish players, Mayborn singled out two who impressed a little extra – goal queen Elin Palm and her club mate from Västerås SK, Hilda Kolsmyr.
Elin was also crowned the tournament’s most valuable player.
— Among the other players who stood out the most, I would say Finland’s goalkeeper Emilia Piekkari and Jenna Kastevaara, and in Norway, Molly Johansson, concludes Alexander Mayborn.
Text: Toni Johansson
Photo: Gert Holmér
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